The Public Domain Review

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Radioactive Fictions: Marie Corelli and the Omnipotence of Thoughts

Wednesday 5 July 2023 at 15:30

Outselling books by Arthur Conan Doyle and H. G. Wells in their day, Marie Corelli’s occult romance novels brim with fantasies of telepathy, mesmerism, and radioactivity. Steven Connor revisits The Life Everlasting (1911), where the recent discovery of radium shapes the mechanics of phantasmal machines and psychic forces able to pass through all impediments.


“Those Disturbers of my Rest”: The First Treatise on Bedbugs (1730)

Wednesday 28 June 2023 at 08:06

Written by an exterminator, this treatise wanders into a surprising mode: one inflected not by disgust, but rather coy wonder and begrudging awe.


Specimens of Fancy Turning (1869)

Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 17:38

Thirty albumen silver prints of designs created through ornamental lathework.


The Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)

Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 16:57

These caricatures of well-known Philadelphians transpose human heads onto animal forms.


Wonder and Pleasure in the Oude Doolhof of Amsterdam

Wednesday 14 June 2023 at 15:36

For almost 250 years, a mysterious pleasure park sat on the banks of Amsterdam's canals. Angela Vanhaelen leads us on a tour of the bawdy fountains, disorienting maze, and mechanical androids in the Oude Doolhof — an attraction that mingled pagan, protestant, and imperial desires.


My Body is a Temple Four-Story House: Analogical Diagram from Tobias Cohen’s Ma’aseh Tuviyah (1708)

Wednesday 14 June 2023 at 15:36

In this Hebrew medical diagram, the human body is mapped onto a house: the stomach becomes a kitchen; the lungs, latticed windows.


Unidentified Floating Object: Edo Images of Utsuro-bune

Thursday 8 June 2023 at 17:33

Was an alien woman really cast back into the sea after surfacing on the coast of Japan in 1803?


The Launch of Our Mid-Year Fundraiser!

Wednesday 7 June 2023 at 18:27

Our Mid-Year Fundraiser is launched, and the new postcards theme will be Machines.


In the Mind of Marie: A Haunting Encounter in the Gardens of Versailles (1913)

Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 15:34

Time travel with a hairpin twist: two women land in the psyche of Marie Antoinette in 1792, while she is thinking about 1789.


The Black Dandy of Buenos Aires: Racial Fictions and the Search for Raúl Grigera

Wednesday 31 May 2023 at 13:03

A mysterious staple of Buenos Aires nightlife in the 1910s and 20s, Raúl Grigera was an audacious Afro-Argentine dandy, an eccentric bohemian icon, a man who called himself el murciélago (the bat). Paulina L. Alberto examines the racial stories told by photographs, comic strips, and newspaper articles about a person many knew only as “el negro Raúl”, searching for the life behind the legend.
