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The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (1899)

Friday 5 August 2011 at 15:17

The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont as told by himself ; with 46 illustrations; 1899; George Newnes, London

“De Rougemont” was born Henri Louis Grin in 1847 in or near Paris, France. In 1898 he began to write about his invented adventures in the British periodical “The Wide World Magazine” under the name Louis De Rougemont. He described his alleged exploits in search of pearls and gold in New Guinea and claimed to have spent thirty years living with Indigenous Australians in the Australian outback. He claimed that the tribe with whom he had lived had worshipped him as a god. He also claimed to have encountered the Gibson expedition of 1874.

“Truth is stranger than fiction
But De Rougemont is stranger than both”
—The Wide World Magazine, June 1899, No. 14

Open Library link

Letters From a Cat (1879)

Castaway on the Auckland Isles: A Narrative of the Wreck of the "Grafton," (1865)

Infant's Cabinet of Birds and Beasts (1820)

Old French Fairytales (1920)

Armata: a fragment (1817)

An Account of the Late Improvements in Galvanism (1803)

The Medical Aspects of Death, and the Medical Aspects of the Human Mind (1852)

Quarles' Emblems (1886)

Cat and bird stories from the "Spectator" (1896)

Wonderful Balloon Ascents (1870)

The Book of Topiary (1904)

The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (1899)
