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The life and death of Mr. Badman presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive (1900 edition)

Tuesday 24 July 2012 at 16:31

The life and death of Mr. Badman presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive, by John Bunyan…with twelve compositions by George Woolliscroft Rhead & Louis Rhead designed to portray the deadly sins of the ungodly Mr. Badman’s journey from this world to hell. With an introduction reprinted from the life of Bunyan by J.A.Froude; 1900; Heinemann, London.

Beautifully designed turn-of-the-century edition of John Bunyan’s companion piece to The Pilgrim’s Progress, originally published in 1680, in which two characters have a dialogue about sin and redemption over the course of a long day. In his preface titled “The Author to the Reader,” Bunyan announces that Mr Badman is a pseudonym for a real man who is dead. Mr Badman’s relatives and offspring continue to populate Earth, which “reels and staggereth to and fro like a Drunkard, the transgression thereof is heavy upon it.” In a mock eulogy, Bunyan says Mr Badman did not earn four themes commonly part of a funeral for a great man. First, there is no wrought image that will serve as a memorial, and Bunyan’s work will have to suffice. Second, Mr Badman died without Honour, so he earned no badges and scutcheons. Third, his life did not merit a sermon. Fourth, no one will mourn and lament his death. Bunyan then describes the sort of Hell awaiting Mr Badman, citing biblical scripture. He said he published it to address the wickedness and debauchery that had corrupted England, as was his duty as a Christian, in hopes of delivering himself “from the ruins of them that perish.” (Wikipedia). The stunning illustrations for this 1900 edition published by Heinemann are by Staffordshire born father and son illustrator duo George and Louis Rhead.

The book is housed at the Internet Archive, donated by Princeton Theological Seminary. Found by way of the Old Book Illustrations blog.

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